After Jubilization

Spiritual death is wat had happended to me for the past 8months or maybe spirital death was like cooking a frog in warm water. it kills gradually, kills u in a way that u wouldn't even know. But, it's too late once u know. [...] God used the last fri's AFC jubilization to speak to me face to face. [...] That night, i committed to God that my life would live&build on God's words alone. Since then, i regain my love and strenghts from the Holy spirit.
作天晚上在唱歌時我不禁想起我的基督徒生命。 從少時: 他人的完全委身﹐相對於我的小信。走了那麼多路﹐在教會中多麼的失落和孤單﹐輕視了神那麼久﹐犯了那麼多罪﹐但今天神藉著使者[...]帶了我回來... 過去的飢餓像充充地﹐完完全全的填飽。[...]感謝AFC。我很感謝神使用 Alan, May, wayne 和一班同工﹐build up 他們﹐有這個異象去作青年門徒事工。
Thank you for making this effort to show how much you guys love God. It motivates people like me who has forgotten why we believe God in the first place.
Watch Jubilization on YouTube
Labels: Reflection, Worship