National Campus Challenge '95 Declaration of Commitment

As Gabriel is blogging my installation service, this ancient document is being remembered again. What is said in this declaration is still important, not only to me, but to subsequent generations of students as well. Thus it is posted here lest it be forgotten.
National Campus Challenge '95 Declaration of Commitment
1. Statement of Purpose
a. The purpose of this declaration is to set out what we, the undersigned, commonly agree to be our identity, our vision and our mission in response to National Campus Challenge '95.
b. It is our intention that this declaration be used both by us and subsequent fellow Christians as a frame of reference for present and future campus evangelical involvement.
c. We acknowledge our personal and corporate commitment to serve in our roles as submitted under this declaration.
2. Our Identity
a. We are Christians primarily of Chinese descent who are committed to be Christ's witnesses in Canadian institutions of higher learning. We have adopted the Lausanne Covenant as the common basis of our confession of faith. We are obedient to Christ's Great Commission. We are a part of the world wide evangelical student movement.
b. We are a special arm of the local churches in the campus community in which we work and live. We affirm the church as our spiritual home and the campus as our mission field.
3. Our Vision
a. That every Christian student will become a vital part of the Body of Christ: by being a faithful member of a local church and by maintaining a network of educated Christians to respond to challenges posed by the rapidly changing world.
b. That every Christian student will become Christ's ambassador: from experience of personal evangelism on campus, to appreciation of the universal need for the gospel through encountering students of diverse backgrounds, to zeal for mission, both locally and abroad.
c. That every Christian student will be light and salt in society: through upholding social justice, exercising compassion to the underprivileged, and contending for Christian values in our present generation.
4. Our Mission
a. To establish a visible and attractive Christian community on each campus for mutual Christian support and corporate witness of Christ's presence.
b. To communicate Christ's message of reconciliation as we seek to become His ambassadors on campus by proclaiming His gospel to Chinese and fellow students of other cultures and nationalities. Encourage those who have heard the gospel to make a commitment to be His disciples.
c. To integrate Christians into the local churches for comprehensive discipleship, fellowship, service and worship.
We affirm, before God and fellow Christians, by the act of signing, our commitment to carry out our mission faithfully.
Labels: Reflection
我去咗Gabriel 個blog仲睇到好多相添!
(小聲:原來ALan以前個樣係gum嘎~ )
Posted by
AmeL |
February 14, 2007 11:38 PM
Posted by
Yan Yan the Pig Farmer |
February 15, 2007 4:47 PM