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704 reading digest 18

It is a healthy thing, then, that we experience real guilt, that we get depressed over our sin. It is this despair over what we are and what we have made of our lives that brings us to the end of ourselves and causes us to throw ourselves upon the mercy of God, the "righteousness of God."

...God's healing power is released when people renounce their idols and take a sure stand against sin. These people gain as well the power to overcome temptation when they truly settle the sin question.

To pray for [people who cannot decide to repent] is to waste precious spiritual energy and power. It merely singes them with the flames of God rather than allowing His holy fire to burn away all their impurities. Their hearts are left even more hardened than before.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p149.

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"people who cannot decide to repent" .... who would those people be?

Underaged kids? People under oppression from their environments for the time being?

Christians. Christians who cannot keep on repenting from their sins.

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