10 Pieces of Advice for Ministry Candidates
Follow these pieces of advice and I will save you a lot of time. You will be on the fast track to a clerical career:
- Stop thinking independently and keep your own thoughts to yourself!
- Memorize whatever it is you are supposed to believe. Regurgitate! Regurgitate! Regurgitate!
- Agree with everybody and disagree with nobody. Keep your job is job one.
- Plan on never changing your mind or having a crisis of faith or morals.
- Read a room and totally conform to it. Never rock a boat, even a bad one.
- Meet expectations without resentment. You are the composite of everyone’s religious fantasies.
- Keep about 20 years behind the times.
- Criticize everything and everyone who is different from the most popular religious status quo.
- If you have a personality, lose it!
- If you want out, break any of the above.
Labels: Reflection