The Next Big Thing on the Web

I was reading an article about the near future development of the Web. The author presentated something very logical and interesting. This is what the author thinks will be the next big thing.
If you can still remember (if you were born already), before we have the Internet, we go online by joining services such as CompuServe, AOL etc. You can visit only whatever is offered by your service provider. It is a closed system. But the launch of the "Mosaic" and later "Netscape" browser broke down barriors between these online spaces and allow anyone to access anywhere (figuratively) on the Web. Thus the birth of the liberated Internet.
Now, we are detecting the same pattern. Many people go online now and play in virtual spaces of online different games. What if these virtual spaces can be linked together, and people can move freely between "worlds"? Or if there is only one big "world" and people play different games in there?
This is not "Matrix". There are already software company working on this.
The Internet now is still more or less a 2-D space. If the above is actualized, we will have a truly 3-D virtual world. The whole eco-system will change. The impact will not be less than discovering America.
Be prepared.
Labels: Learning, Reflection