Choosing the right song

God is much bigger and wider.
The assignment is simple. Just choose 2 songs for each of the following 16 themes:
1. The Scriptures Inspired;
2. One True God;
3. Deity of Christ;
4. Fall of Man;
5. Salvation of Man;
6. Ordinances of the Church (water baptism and communion);
7. Baptism in the Holy Spirit;
8. Evidence of Holy Spirit Baptism;
9. Sanctification;
10. The Church and Its Mission;
11. The Ministry;
12. Divine Healing;
13. Blessed Hope;
14. Millennial Reign of Christ;
15. Final Judgment;
16. New Heavens and New Earth.
Her comment: This assignment really causes the students to look at lyrics and think about the message.
Profile of Linda
Labels: Reflection, Worship
I was thinking about JJ959 this morning... well, something in relation to it.
I'm thinking if it's possible for a Chinese Christian music podcast show to exist?
I don't mean an artist-focused one like JJ, but more like a music recommendation show.
( Of course, big bold disclaimers saying "the idea isn't to _rate_ Christian music by quality" )
Do it by theme. Each show can be revolved around one.... Praise. Response. Church. Fellowship.
It won't be live performance. Probably just play pre-recorded stuff.
[of course, i don't know how much headache there is regarding copyright acquirement]
The idea is that people can tune in, and through this show get music recommendation that they can use in fellowship,
in church worship, for small group, or just their private worship. So it works like a radio show and a resource.
& The great thing about podcast is that the schedule can have some flexibility. Radio is fixed schedule.
This allows for more flexibility in ensuring quality.
Dunno though, it might be another one of my 3-Minute High Temperature Horse-in-the-Sky ideas.
Posted by
阿中 |
March 07, 2007 5:28 PM
To 阿中: there's already a podcast like that, and it's found at:
Posted by
Tim |
March 07, 2007 8:49 PM
Posted by
阿中 |
March 07, 2007 10:23 PM
That's actually not what i'm picturing in terms of execution.
(Sorry Alan for hijacking your blog post)
Posted by
阿中 |
March 07, 2007 10:45 PM
That's ok. In fact I was discussing with Wayne this afternoon about your idea and we have some further ideas too.
The biggest obstacle about your idea is, as you said, copyright. And it is actually pretty difficult to come up with a set of songs without a context.
What's better is that, if there is a church whose worship themes are diverse and songs are well chosen, a searchable database of their weekly rundown, song list and theme would even be more helpful to song leaders in local churches.
Of course, it is not as entertaining as listening to a podcast.
What do you think?
Posted by
Alan Yu |
March 07, 2007 11:46 PM
Right, that would be useful. And in a perfect world, you would also be able to listen to it. And there are links to license the rights with a few clicks...
Someone from work is starting an I.T. Fellowship, I wonder if they can help...
Posted by
阿中 |
March 08, 2007 12:25 AM
Regarding the copyright issue, it is a messy issue but a solvable issue. I personally know the guys at and they've obtained copyright for all the songs they broadcast. They've taken the time to contact each songwriter and/or agency to obtain or buy the necessary copyright permissions. At first they only have a very limited set of songs but they gradually obtain more copyright permissions over time.
It'll be great if you guys start another show like that but bear in mind that copyright issues are solved over time. So be patient.
I have to say sorry for hijacking your blog post to discuss this. Feel free to email me to further on this if you want more information/discussions.
Posted by
Tim |
March 08, 2007 6:00 AM