Thursday, October 16, 2008


01. 她的長篇小說成為了我們的集體四季經。
02. 一年來四次,每本港幣六十元,好像有點貴,可是算起來每個月才二十元呀。
03. 猶如加入了「亦舒」會,按月繳會費廿蚊,遙距供養教主。
04. 本市暢銷書的書架上一列排開,眼光自然第一時間落在永恆淡雅的白色封面上。並且為之驕傲。不,壞品味跟她沾不上邊。(OK,我加上remark:限於天地出版系列)
05. 一壺茶,一個人,兩小時,一本亦舒新長篇,仍然是慰寂寥不二之選。
06. 雖然讀的和寫的,早已不再激動。每回相見,微笑問好,溫馨如故。
07. 她比我媽媽還老。她比我媽媽更知道。
08. 有沒有誰開始研究近十年她小說中描寫的華人北美移民史?Diaspora啊。
09. 已經失去了楊千嬅的流行曲,不願再失去亦舒的流行小說。
10. 我滿懷感恩,一路帶著她的故事,邁步前行。




Wednesday, October 08, 2008


This one is for Momo:

Finally finished my term paper (in one 16-hour sitting). Finally finished Jubilization (how glorious was the worship of God).

I'll take a break. I'll be heading to HK & Taiwan for a little over 3 weeks. Even though I still have my laptop and internet access (yes, I still have businesses to deal with), but in my holiday mood I may not blog as regularly as I normally do. Please bear with me.

See you in a while.

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704 reading digest 18

It is a healthy thing, then, that we experience real guilt, that we get depressed over our sin. It is this despair over what we are and what we have made of our lives that brings us to the end of ourselves and causes us to throw ourselves upon the mercy of God, the "righteousness of God."

...God's healing power is released when people renounce their idols and take a sure stand against sin. These people gain as well the power to overcome temptation when they truly settle the sin question.

To pray for [people who cannot decide to repent] is to waste precious spiritual energy and power. It merely singes them with the flames of God rather than allowing His holy fire to burn away all their impurities. Their hearts are left even more hardened than before.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p149.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

704 reading digest 17

In its biblical definition, sin cannot be limited to isolated instances or patterns of wrongdoing; it is something much more akin to the psychological term complex: an organic network of compulsive attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour deeply rooted in our alienation from God.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p147.

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the shining face of moses

28 摩西在耶和華那裡四十晝夜,也不吃飯也不喝水。耶和華將這約的話,就是十條誡,寫在兩塊版上。 29 摩西手裡拿著兩塊法版下西奈山的時候,不知道自己的面皮因耶和華和他說話就發了光。 32 ...他就把耶和華在西奈山與他所說的一切話都吩咐他們。


I was leading worship at Jubilization during the past weekend, and is worshipping at the Passion World Tour tonight. During Jubilization, the following suddenly dawn on me:

What is worship-leading?
It is not about techniques.
It is not about technology.
It is not about production.
It is not about personality.
It is not about how passionate the congregation is.

It is being so filled up by the Holy Spirit that it just overflows and floods the congregation into worship.
It is so easy. It is so hard.

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Monday, October 06, 2008

704 reading digest 16

May it be the real "I" who speaks, the real "Thou" I speak to.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p146, quoting C. S. Lewis from Letters to Malcolm.

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

704 reading digest 15

We must know and acknowledge our two identities - that of sinner and saint... the rhythm of repentance and reception of forgiveness must be woven into everyday life.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p145.

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

704 reading digest 14

For the Supernatural, entering a human soul opens to it new possibilities both of good and evil. From that point the road branches: one way to sanctity, humility, the other to spiritual pride, self-righteousness, persecuting zeal. And no way back to the mere humdrum virtues of the unawakened soul. If the Divine call does not make us better, it will make us very much worse. Of all bad men, religious bad men are the worst.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p144, quoting C. S. Lewis from Reflections of the Psalms.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

704 reading digest 13

[People] genuinely do not understand that Christians, once regenerated (born again of the Spirit) and converted (their wills made one with Christ's), yet need to set apart certain times when they once again kneel as sinners before God and ask Him to show them their sins, conscious and unconscious, that they might confess and be forgiven.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p143.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

704 reading digest 12

He does not receive forgiveness because he is still trying to be "good enough" on his own merit; he strive to be perfect on his own.

In listening obedience to Christ and His Word, we are trusting always in His righteousness and doing what we hear Him say.

Satan, as the accuser, constantly attempts to make us look to our own righteousness.

...there is common to fallen people a terrible passion to be perfect on their own. We need to recognize this for the pride that it is.

Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul, p141-143.

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  • 看重的只有一個字:Insight


I work at Westside Baptist Church. Of course, that doesn't mean they agree with everything I post or link here. Everything here is my personal opinion and is not read or approved in advance. Consider yourself warned.