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Screwtape on stage

最近,Screwtape Letters的話劇版在芝加哥上演:
On the night that I saw the play, a Q & A followed the performance. Two thirds of the audience stayed for it. I spotted small groups from about four different churches from around Chicago-land. Yet it seemed they had brought friends who were not necessarily from their church, but were interested in an evening of professional theater. Several groups continued the conversations from the Q & A into the bar next door. I noticed McLean and Fiske were also there, making themselves available to groups of people who wanted to discuss the ideas of the play. The event not only brought the novel to life, but became a kind of communal affair.

Certainly the individual can read the novel and wrestle with the ideas in the privacy of their own home. However, when Screwtape is standing a few feet away in real flesh and blood, and he steps down afterwards and dialogues about what just took place, and when others around you are engaging in the concepts of the play, those ideas become harder to dismiss.

我常常希望,能有這齣話劇的中文版本上演。這對當代半冷不熱、至終倒在屬靈戰場而不自知的信徒有莫大的提醒作用。我覺得每個基督徒都應看Screwtape Letters,如果能有話劇,就更能將之普及化和形像化。各位攪話劇的戰友,諗諗佢。


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Yes, like I told you last year.

This would be really great.

Even if it's just Screwtape talking into a Webcam on YouTube.

Anyone? (Or I just need some prodding to do it...)

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