And the Award for the Most Ridiculously Unnecessary Packaging Goes To...
This is sadly hilarious...

原文出自 Fast Company Blog
We had a moment of anti-Zen at the studio. You've got to see it to believe it.
We bought a HP Stylus--it's an electronic pen. it's a simple cylinder: 10 millimeters diameter and 124 millimeters long. It arrived with two large sheets of text:
- One "Global Limited Warranty and Technical Support for Accessories": A sheet of 24.5" x 33.5" paper covered with 6pt text, BOTH SIDES!
- One "Global Limited Warranty and Technical Support for Accessories": Another sheet (why?), 10" x 30" in same 6pt, both sides.
So we have a total of 15.6 square feet of 6pt text here. And that's just the warranty.

But that's not all.
The simple act of ordering one $24.99, 124 millimeter pen generated the following list of 15 total items:
- One shipping brown box, size 10" x 7" x 4.5"
- One internal brown box, size 8.5" x 4" x 3.5"
- One sheet of bubble wrap, size 14" x 10"
- One large zip-locked PE bag, size 5.5" x 8.5"
- One tiny zip-locked PE bag, size 2" x 2.5" with threaded lanyard
- One vacuum-formed clear plastic case, size 6" x 1.5" x 1"
- One large "Save $10" coupon for HP's Home Office Store
- One larger "Global Limited Warranty" (see above)
- One smaller 'Global Limited Warranty' (see above)
- One small "Accessorize your HP notebook" flyer
- One tiny 1-2-3-4 installation guide for lanyard
- One business reply card ("no postage necessary if mailed in the U.S."--thanks!)
- One "Table of Toxic and Hazardous Substances/Elements and Their Content"
- One Digitizer Pen product (thank goodness!)
Plus...drum roll please...the crown jewel of this corporate baboonery artwork:
- One piece entitled: "Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Household in the European Union"
And that doesn't include the shipping receipt.

原文出自 Fast Company Blog
Labels: Consumer, On the light side, Reflection