Is it really possible?
This is from today's Mingpao, Vancouver edition:
Is it really possible for Christian to worship and pray in a space with symbols from other "religions" and not find them offending? To me, I don't think I can worship the Lord in a space with a statue of Buddha. This has nothing to do with tolerance (which is a bad word - and concept). This is just the nature of Christianity. Our God is the only God and he needs not to share His glory with anyone.
供冬奧選手共禱 籌建費2500萬
【明報專訊】溫哥華即將出現首座包括所有宗教信仰在內的「信仰匯聚中心」(Inter-Faith Spiritual Centre)。該中心將坐落在溫市冬奧選手村內,在哥倫比亞街(Columbia St.)夾西一街處,預定在2010年啟用。目前已有發展商贊助價值400萬元的土地,2500萬元的建築費將在民間籌集;中心秘書、卑大教授何仲偉有信心可籌得建設所需經費。
何仲偉說,「信仰匯聚中心」這個計劃已經運作了3年,獲得市府的大力支持。這個中心除了提供不同宗教人士追求心靈平靜的場所,也會有教室、圖書館等設施。冬奧結束後,將成為東南福溪(False Creek)社區聚會的地點,並成為溫市重要地標。
負責規劃設計該中心的建築師奧斯特里(Mark Ostry)說,由於這是世界上少有、結合多個宗教的信仰匯聚中心,因此在設計上幾乎找不到先例可供參考,只能憑想像、不斷與各宗教團體溝通,來進行設計。
多個不同宗教團體代表均出席了昨日的宣布儀式,除了代表天主教的何仲偉外,出席代表還包括:溫哥華Akali Singh錫克協會的Pritam Singh Aulakh、猶太領袖Rabbi Philip Bregman、佛教社區成員詹鳳玲、穆斯林社區成員Seemi Bushra Ghazi、加拿大聖公會主教Michael Ingham、加拿大穆斯林聯盟副主席Aziz Khaki、信仰匯聚中心董事會成員Derek LaCroix、猶太社區成員Bryan Shapiro、代表基督教的成員Jamie Wright。
Is it really possible for Christian to worship and pray in a space with symbols from other "religions" and not find them offending? To me, I don't think I can worship the Lord in a space with a statue of Buddha. This has nothing to do with tolerance (which is a bad word - and concept). This is just the nature of Christianity. Our God is the only God and he needs not to share His glory with anyone.
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"信仰 foodcourt 化" ?
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 30, 2006 8:05 AM