The question is how did we come to this definition? I'm uncomfortable because the term worship has been commonly associated with 'worship services'. The connotation is outward and upward.
But Christian lives.... it should be downward too. "He must increase, I must decrease"... It seems to me that there is a baggage with saying "our lives should be a worship". We need to get rid of the old definition completely before declaring this new one.
I was reading 羅馬書 today, and 啟導本 said this about 12:2 (將身體獻上﹐當作活祭﹐是聖潔的﹐是上帝所喜悅的﹔你們如此事奉﹐乃是理所當然的。) - 「"事奉"原文和"敬拜"為同一字。信徒將身體獻上是發乎心靈的全人的事奉。」
阿中, I think your understand is correct. We need to renew our vocabularies when discussing about worship. Personally, I will call our life a "worship 敬拜", while the event on sunday the "worship event" or "worship service", 崇拜.
Much of the debate about worship is unneccessary if they have a definition about the terms they use, such as "traditional" and "contemporary".
I work at Westside Baptist Church. Of course, that doesn't mean they agree with everything I post or link here. Everything here is my personal opinion and is not read or approved in advance. Consider yourself warned.
叫我想起"as we gather"這首歌
(個一期平均一個月不是一次game night, 就是一次gym night, 加上一月一次的大食會...又常常也是"玩", 所以引了很多人來團契, 叫我問起當時plan 團契週會的一班弟兄姊妹這一個反思的問題, 而當然..我是沒有挑戰的意思啦......)
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 04, 2007 11:29 PM
點解係都要二分化? mutually exclusive 架咩?
Posted by
dk |
January 05, 2007 12:20 AM
hey dk, you're getting smarter...
my take is, we evangelize through our worship (definition of worship is not limited to worship services), both when gathered and dispersed.
What do you think?
Posted by
Alan Yu |
January 05, 2007 2:14 PM
I have reservations with this definition of worship, even though people have been saying this kind of stuff around me all the time.
I think there is a danger in saying "oh we need to worship with our lives" without defining what worship IS.
Why don't we say "our lives should be a living devotion" or "our lives should be a living evangelism" more?
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 06, 2007 12:54 AM
My definition of worship:
Worship is divine activity expressed by the people of God by their actions, symbols and speech.
With this definition, our live should be "the" worship, while our worship services are the rehersals of "the" worship.
Does this help clarify my point?
Posted by
Alan Yu |
January 06, 2007 8:27 PM
Mmm, I get that part.
The question is how did we come to this definition? I'm uncomfortable because the term worship has been commonly associated with 'worship services'. The connotation is outward and upward.
But Christian lives.... it should be downward too. "He must increase, I must decrease"... It seems to me that there is a baggage with saying "our lives should be a worship". We need to get rid of the old definition completely before declaring this new one.
I was reading 羅馬書 today, and 啟導本 said this about 12:2 (將身體獻上﹐當作活祭﹐是聖潔的﹐是上帝所喜悅的﹔你們如此事奉﹐乃是理所當然的。) - 「"事奉"原文和"敬拜"為同一字。信徒將身體獻上是發乎心靈的全人的事奉。」
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 06, 2007 9:31 PM
Or I'm just not understanding it correctly.
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 06, 2007 9:33 PM
阿中, I think your understand is correct. We need to renew our vocabularies when discussing about worship. Personally, I will call our life a "worship 敬拜", while the event on sunday the "worship event" or "worship service", 崇拜.
Much of the debate about worship is unneccessary if they have a definition about the terms they use, such as "traditional" and "contemporary".
Posted by
Alan Yu |
January 07, 2007 6:03 PM