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Laundry Detergent

If you are interested in making your own laundry detergent, here is an informative recipe.

You may ask, who would make their own laundry detergent? There are actually many good reasons for doing so, such as:
1. Cost. Homemade detergent cost much less than store bought products.
2. Environmental concerns. Commercial laundry detergent is a major chemical pollutants of the environment.
3. Customizable. You can make detergents that most match the hardness of your water supply with your own favourate scent. For people with sensitive skins you can also adjust the composition of the detergent to help stop skin irritation.

Think outside of the box.

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thats interesting. its also why those companies are selling laundry detergent with enzymes these days. and thats why microbiology is so useful >=)

Enzymes is used to remove blood stain! But it only do its job in a certain of temperature range. If not working for every families' machine.

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