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I don’t believe in prayer.

I have decided that I don’t believe in prayer. I don’t believe that God hears us when we speak to Him. I don’t believe that time I devote talking to God makes any difference whatsoever.

I suppose you are reading this thinking, “Well, I don’t know about this guy, but I know that I believe in prayer.” All I have to say is prove it. I know if someone asked me to prove it I would fail miserably. How many of us would be failing together?

If we believed in prayer, if we actually believed that God Himself was listening very closely to what we said to Him, and not only that, but that what we said would actually cause God to act on our behalf, what would be stopping us from praying all the time? We wouldn’t be able to [...] spend hours in front of the TV, because the God of the universe was in our living room and He actually wanted to hear what we had to say.

The fact is, if you and I truly did believe in prayer we would pray a lot. But, since we don’t, the only explanation is that we don’t believe in prayer.

I don’t believe in prayer. You don’t believe in prayer, either. If you disagree, prove it.

Article by Joel Hoffman on Relevant Magazine.com


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  • 看重的只有一個字:Insight


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