Evangelism and Discipleship (2)

The call is not to join an institution or to sign a pledge card; it is rather to sign on for a different narrative account of reality that is in profound contrast to the dominant account of reality into which we are all summarily inducted. [...] ... the calling God means for us (is) to disengage from the postures, habits, and assumptions that define the world of power and injustice that is so devoid of mercy and compassion in every arena of life. The call is away from ordinary life, ordinary possessions, and ordinary assumptions to a way of life that the world judges to be impossible. Thus the call is, indeed, to an impossibility.
原文出自 The Word that Redescribes the World by Walter Brueggemann, page 95
Labels: Reflection
sounds like a good book.
Posted by
阿中 |
February 11, 2009 10:54 PM