A typical example of doing business in the age of Web 2.0 / Crowdsourcing / Online community...
Here is how it works:

And it helps if you belong to a community:

And according to their web site, this concept comes from the Chinese ancient practice of 做會 (which people from my parents' generation still practices some years ago). Returning the business monopolized by big corporations to the hands of individuals. This is so 2.0.
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Here is how it works:
People who need money request it, and other people bid for the privilege of lending it to them. Prosper makes sure everything is safe, fair and easy.

And it helps if you belong to a community:

And according to their web site, this concept comes from the Chinese ancient practice of 做會 (which people from my parents' generation still practices some years ago). Returning the business monopolized by big corporations to the hands of individuals. This is so 2.0.
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Labels: Learning
The community strikes back.
Everybody's looking for community. Looking for relationships.
So much so they are willing to put effort in it. To risk in the name of community. (Joe Prosper who?)
Humanism? Probably.
Upside: People are beginning to build relationships again. The churches will awaken. "Love Thy Neighbor" will once again become tangible. The youths will learn to live.
"Cause I'm a 21st century digital boy
I don't know how to live but I got a hellalot of toys" - Bad Religion
Posted by
Anonymous |
March 15, 2007 1:46 AM
cool. btw, the latest buzzword that is gaining traction is the "dumbness of crowds", as demonstrated on the Digg community and so on... looks like we are beginning to slide down the hype cycle
Posted by
阿中 |
March 15, 2007 6:08 PM