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Songs worth singing

A theology that cannot be preached is not worth having," I once heard a preacher declare. I can't argue with that. Truth that can't be applied isn't worth bothering about. [...] Here's a corollary to the preaching's quip: a theology that cannot be sung is not worth having either. Authentic Christian faith is not merely believed. Nor is it merely acted upon. It is sung - with utter joy sometimes, in uncontrollable tears sometimes, but it is sung. "Words and music did for me what solid, even rigorous religious argument could never do, they introduced me to God, not belief in God, more an experiential sense of God" -that's the way Bono, lead singer of the band U2, puts it.

My corollary to Professor Kidd's quip: A song that does not contain a theology that is worthy to be preached is not worthy to be sung either. Just tell me: what is the point of singing songs with bad theology? It's like praising your wife with lame flattery words. She'll be just fed up. She should be.

原文出自 "With One Voice - Discovering Christ's Song in Our Worship" by Dr. Reggie M. Kidd

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