A Call To Repent
Taking the words from Charles Dickens,
now isthe age of wisdom, the age of foolishness,
the epoch of belief, the epoch of incredulity,
the season of Light, the season of Darkness.
Most of us when we heard the news of the Canadian political parties joining in the coalition, we reacted in disbelief, hopelessness, or contrary in anger and outrage. As our emotions subside, the fact remains our country facing is yet another turning point [...]
As "everything is spiritual", what our country is facing is also a spiritual matter. Much like the Israelites in the age of the Judges, their actions in worshipping various other gods and violating the covenant with God, provoked God to anger and resulted in the tests God put before Israel. Canada is a nation that has sinned before the eyes of God, and doing so, we must repent.
We, as citizens of this nation, must repent.
We, as Christ's Church on the earth for not having diligently fulfill our duty as light and salt, must repent.
We, as Christians in this country, must repent on behalf of our country.
We must be on guard for our country, and stand up in the face of evil.
We must be the watchmen for our own country.
Hence, on behalf of Ambassadors For Christ in Canada, I am calling a
"Repentance Prayer Meeting for Canada" 「認罪守望祈禱會」.
I am calling all Christians who are willing to take upon the task to be the watchmen for Canada to join us, in repent, and on guard for our much-loved country.
I pray that God's mercy will come upon our land.
I pray that God's anger will pass over us.
I pray that God's abundance grace will bestow upon us and forgive us.
I urge you, join me, at 10:00AM PST this Saturday, Dec. 6th, 2008, in a Repentance Prayer Meeting for Canada.
It will be held in AFC RoomC, address at:
Unit 2120 Pacific Plaza
8888 Odlin Crescent
Richmond, BC
Doors will be open at 9:30AM; meeting will start at 10:00AM.
I also urge those outside of Vancouver, to join us in prayer at your own time zone. We are physically apart, but spiritually we are in one.When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will HEAL their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
2 Chronicles 7:13-15
原文出自Wayne Kwok @ PP959.com
Labels: News, Reflection
Posted by
Alan Yu |
December 05, 2008 1:46 PM