Coalition for what?

What is wrong with the current government that it deserved to be overthrown? Or is it just because they have different point of views, which neither of them can claim 100% flawless?
How stable or effective can the new government be if its prime minister will only work for six months? What benefits will it bring if the function of this government depends on a group who does not support the confederation at all?
I do not think that the role of the opposition is to overthrow the government, but to support it with alternative point of view.
This is not a single incident. Our values are so screwed up, we as Canada need to repent. We have done wrong against each others and against heaven.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.- 2 Chronicales 7:14
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Labels: News, Reflection
I received the following email today - "Pray for Canada":
"Right now in Canada there is a problem. A month ago there was an election and the Conservative Government came into power. Stephen Harper is the Leader of the conservative party. However, now about 6 weeks later the party put forth a plan to be voted on. One of the ideas in the plan was that each Member of Parliament would not get the $1.95 that they received for each vote that they had in the election. This money would be used for other things instead. Mr. Harper said that they wanted to lead by example in being more careful with money, because it is a difficult time financially and we all need to be careful.
The leaders of the other party didn't like that so they came together and are trying to push the Conservative party out of power. They can do that if they all come together against him. This is not the way we act here in Canada and it has made a lot of people very upset.
Now there is another leader in Canada, a representative of the Queen of England who actually will have the power to say if they can bring down the government or not. Her name is Michaelle Jean. So we would like to ask you to pray for Canada.
1. Pray for Governor-General Michaelle Jean as she meets with her advisers about the important decisions she needs to make in the days ahead. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide her.
2. Take out a map of Canada, if you don't have one just google image and ask for Canada map. As you look all over the map, pray for calm and safety throughout the land. There are many angry people and let's pray that as various demonstrations take place that peace and order would be observed and that there would be no violence that would cause personal injury or property damage.
3.Pray that the potential divisions in our land would actually be healed at this time. Hold hands together and pray in the opposite spirit for unity instead of division.
4.Pray that all party leaders and members would learn and grow during this time of trouble. Pray that God would give them a love for each other and help them see the BIG picture. Ask the Father to stop every attempt that the enemy is trying to use to harm our nation and the government.
5. Pray for each of the party leaders that they would resist the desire for more power and not be greedy. Pray that they would be an example of humility and servant hood.
6. Let's stand in the gap for the leaders in Canada that each one involved would be able to receive godly wisdom and act in a responsible manner. (Leaders are Steven Harper/ Prime Minister, and Opposition leaders Stefan Dion, Jack Layton, Gilles Duseppe) Pray that righteousness and justice and peace would win out in the end.
7. Pray that the things in Canada that are not right would be shaken out.
8. Pray for the media, the news reports on T.V. and the radio and newspapers.
Pray that they would
• be careful to
• represent the truth and
• not take advantage of the situation.
9. Especially pray for the Speaker of the House - the honorable Peter Milliken as he presides over the debates. Pray that M.P.s who are followers of Jesus Christ would set a higher tone and be a good example in their conduct and conversation."
Posted by
Unknown |
December 04, 2008 3:23 PM
AFC is calling a prayer meeting for this this Saturday:
"Repentance Prayer Meeting for Canada"
Posted by
Alan Yu |
December 04, 2008 4:10 PM