Evangelism and Discipleship (5)

The news of a restored creation is counter to a system of meaning and power that I term technological, therapeutic, military consumerism that in our society unrelentingly offers a total worldview that comprehends all and allows no opening for any alternative.
technological, the reduction of life's choices to technological options in which critical voices of alternative are screened out and eliminated as thinkable alternatives.
therapeutic, the assumption that our goal in life is to live a pain-free, stress-free, undisturbed life of convenience.
military, the deployment of immense forces,funded by massive resources, to protect an entitled advantage in the world that is committed to an unsustainable standard of living.
comsumerist, the deep and unexamined assumption that " more" of whatever will make us safer and happier.
原文出自 The Word that Redescribes the World by Walter Brueggemann, page 104-105
Labels: Reflection