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Small Group Guidelines

  1. Create an atmosphere where judgment is never given or experienced… ever!
  2. The leader, if there is one, must be just as vulnerable as the rest.
  3. Encourage everyone to come with the intention of comforting another.
  4. Remember: no struggle is too small. Pain is pain by the one experiencing it.
  5. Remember: no struggle is too big. Friends can alleviate the load.
  6. If stuff stops, just end it. Don’t keep something going just for the sake of it.
  7. Resist giving answers or solutions. Just listen and empathize.
  8. Be bold enough to prevent domination by anyone, including yourself.
  9. Never, ever express shock, dismay, or surprise.
  10. Practice #1 (this is the key to everything).



  • 正如林一峰話齋,閱讀,也是一種 state of mind。
  • 所以不限文字,還有聲音影像一切雜崩能東西,都在涉獵反思消化乾坤大挪移之列。
  • 看重的只有一個字:Insight


I work at Westside Baptist Church. Of course, that doesn't mean they agree with everything I post or link here. Everything here is my personal opinion and is not read or approved in advance. Consider yourself warned.