
由2002至2004兩年間,在二十一家美國大學及十一家加拿大大學,以五千名學生作對象的調查,看大學生作弊的情形 [...] 作弊的MBA學生竟達56%。
We see you as more than a businessperson. We see you as an agent of change in society. We realize that profit is critically important for the good of a company and, ultimately, for others, but only when it is made and managed with integrity.
Students of the TWU MBA should expect to be challenged about not only how they do business, but why they do business. At TWU School of Business, we believe that the highest goal of business is to serve others.
Although people who profess faiths other than Christianity are warmly welcomed in our MBA program, the TWU School of Business holds to a Christian worldview: We believe that the integrity and sacrificial love demonstrated by Jesus Christ are central qualities of the successful and happy businessperson’s life. We don’t replace business savvy with Christian ideals, but show how Christian ideals make for good business, and can make you more satisfied as a businessperson at the end of the day.
Link to TWU MBA Program
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