Bearing Life

Nearing the end of his ministry, Jesus was opening to his disciples a reality that his mother had long lived within. For from the moment Gabriel had told her she was “favored, ”she knew herself to be “in-graced” by God. She carried a son who would come to us “full of grace and truth.” And she carried him as that same grace poured through the Father’s heart to meet her moment-by-moment need.
And so, as von Balthasar so beautifully says, “she bears what she lets herself be borne by.” (The Threefold Garland)
“You are in me, I am in you.” We, too, are borne by what we bear. It is the mystery of faith. Like Mary, like Joseph, we carry within us a reality much greater than we can contain. We, too, are surrounded by the very grace that renews us from the inside out.
Blessed Christmas
原文出自Song of Assent blog by Dr. Carla Waterman
Labels: Reflection