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The Secret to Reinventing Yourself

How do you leverage the things you’ve done in the past for what you want to do in the future?

Drapkin, over his 30-plus-year career, has been a classical musician, programmer, program manager, academic, technology consultant, CEO and business strategist. You know the sort: A polymath that’s good at so many things.
More than that, though, Michael knows the secret to career change and self-reinvention. It’s that reinventing ourselves is not a fairy tale where the ugly duckling suddenly molts into a swan. We don’t shed our old selves as we change career paths. What we do is evolve.

Remember, you’re more than the sum of your parts. You’re an evolving person who in the act of change has an edge over the other guy who doesn’t have your background. As the adage goes, you’re not getting older, just better.

So true. In my history of being an engineer, architect, youth worker, administrator, art director, entrepreneur, retail manager, merchandizer, cooking instructor and management executive, I have never had any abrupt change. I evolved.

This has to happen. Nowadays not a lot of people stick with one career anymore. Because everytime you evolve you become better. You'll have synergy with yourself.



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