中文大學政治與行政學系高級導師 蔡子強
有關的「學歷歧視論」,明顯混淆了兩個基本概念,就是:「歧視」(discrimination)和「區別看待」(differential treatment)。
所有標準政治學教科書都會指出,選舉產生的官員(elected officials),以及公務員(civil servants),是兩個不同的概念,是兩類完全不同的崗位。前者講求的,是在選舉中贏得民意授權(public mandate);而後者講求的,則是在「能者居之」、「擇優錄用」(meritocracy)的前提下,脫穎而出。
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Labels: News, Reflection
欣宜獨力送母 免父難堪
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In human life, suffering is not merely an episode, an event, or a passing psychological state - it is a condition. [...] suffering is as much a feature of human life as is joy, wonder, or satisfaction.
If Christianity is to be any more than an interesting explanatory system for those who enjoy the diversions of metaphysical philosophy, then it must open in us a way to live abundantly in and with our suffering, give us hope, empower us to live with others in their suffering, and discern the difference between the suffering characteristic of human existence and suffering that demands alleviation or resistance. That is, Christianity as a living faith must sustain and heal human persons as we "suffer" the long journey of a life lived through the ebb and flow of pain and joy, struggle and peace [...] Christianity must open a way for us to face suffering, not as an anomaly or a momentary obstacle on the way to a place where God will be present tous but as an enduring feature of human life in which God is with us.
Labels: Recommend, Reflection, Thorns
Labels: Recommend, Reflection
Planning to buy flowers today in the name of St. Valentine? Choose a still-growing houseplant or herb instead—not only will it last longer and add some air-purifying life to your loved one’s pad, but it’ll reduce your chances of bringing home a bunch of chemically grown cut blooms that have already traveled the globe. And whatever you do, avoid roses: they may have been grown using questionable business practices before being wrapped in all kinds of packaging and imported from a faraway place like Columbia or Ecuador or Ethiopia. Consider it your Valentine to the planet.
Labels: Interesting, Reflection
Labels: Reflection
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Labels: Reflection, Thorns
I suffer from chronic depression. This means that I go through periods of major depression, but unlike other people, my depression never really leaves me. When I am not in a cycle of major depression, I am suffering from a less serious case of depression, which still makes day-to-day life a great effort.
And most important of all, I know my relationship with God. The darker my depression the gets, the more I depend on God to carry me from one day to the next. Sometimes the pain is so heavy I need God just to get from one breath to the next. However, I feel almost at an advantage because my depression reminds me everyday of my weakness and this reminds me to depend on God for strength and to recognize that He is more powerful than any chemical remedies devised by man.
So the truth, is the stigma of depression is still out there. [...] You just have to understand who you are and how you function when you are in the clutches of depression. And it’s important to understand whose you are. That no matter how dark it gets, the Light is right next door. Hope is never too far away to find you.
Labels: Reflection, Thorns
Many Christians seem to believe that God’s relationship with the universe is deterministic, that God has already filmed the future in his mind, and what we’re seeing unfold in history is the showing of a movie that’s already ‘in the can’ so to speak. I don’t believe that. I believe God’s relationship with creation—including us—is interactive. God gives us warnings, which are an invitation to change our ways. God gives us promises, which are an invitation to persevere when the going gets tough.
Labels: Reflection
我們想要的,是「Nudity」,是「Reality」,是「Sex and the City」!
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We all know pain. Some of us know it very well. But not all pain has to be a devastation to our lives. It is never meant to be. God is within even the darkest moments of our days, and choosing to search for him and wait upon him through the struggles of each day will, without fail, shed light unto our hearts. And in the moments where God speaks to us in speeding cars, healing and purpose gain a new strength. And even the dead can find life.
God is still God in the bankruptcy, in the cancer, in the divorce, in the death, in the fire. God is still God when people walk away and when the addictions don’t break. God is still God when insurance doesn’t cover the damage or the loans aren’t granted. God is still God in our broken circumstances, just as He was God when He hung on the cross to redeem the world.
All things. Even these broken days.
Labels: Thorns
What’s happening to Britney Spears has me thinking about how we treat the stars in our own communities. I think Britney is more of a victim of our culture than the cause of her own demise. I’ve seen this over and over again in my own life and in the lives of others in churches. This is roughly what happens:
- She shows that she’s gifted.
- She is invited to take responsibility as an opportunity to exercise or share this gift.
- She, usually being young in years or in the faith, gladly takes it on because she can use her gift and there’s some gratification in her gift being recognized.
- She is rewarded with praise, admiration, adoration, recognition, fame and sometimes money.
- With rewards and responsibility comes more responsibility, so this person is given more to do or the level of responsibility is increased. They become, necessarily, committed with verbal, written or unspoken expectations or contracts.
- Because this person was too young or immature to recognize her own boundaries or endurance and because she was unable or unwilling to say “No!”, they start to show signs of wear and tear.
- In the industry, this is met with more praise and the ethic of hard work paying off is preached, as well as the old idea that this is the cost of responsibility. Our curiosity into her humanness and vulnerability elevates her even further in our own eyes. In the church, this wear and tear is met with more prayer, encouragement, and servant-theology, service and sacrifice is preached even harder.
- Over time she begins to crack. This is evidenced by increased absences, embarrassing mistakes, illness, sloppiness, outspokenness and surprising behavior.
- This is met with either pity or outright condemnation. Correction is attempted. But we still expect her to produce and perform better than she ever has before.
- Finally, she crashes and burns. She totally loses it.
- The general reaction is scorn and blame. She is perceived and treated as though she is the scum of the earth because it is her own fault. She asked for it!
I see this with Britney. I see this is the church. All the time. These people are seen as failures, burn-outs, has-beens, dead wood… whatever. And it makes me sick because we are the ones who created them. I can’t see us stopping it either because we love to be entertained and the show must go on.
Labels: Reflection
Labels: News, Reflection
Imagine you're a consultant to the New Year's Resolution industry. Your clients are a deeply dysfunctional bunch. Every January, they proudly announce their resolutions. Two weeks later, most have already veered off plan, and by mid-spring, they may not even remember having a resolution at all. [...] If these were goals, mind you, we'd all consider ourselves utter failures, but with our resolutions, we get a pass. So how do you make sure your business is setting goals rather than resolutions?
What's fun about goals is the end point, the completion. If your goal is to "grow sales by 13% in the Southeast region," and you nail it, you're ecstatic. What's fun about resolutions, on the other hand, is the announcement. Think of a stereotypical offsite meeting where a team has the sudden epiphany: What we really need to do is "Amaze the Customer!" That's a resolution...
[...] your organization's culture will often determine what's a resolution and what's a goal. Some cultures are strong enough to make ambiguous, unenforceable behaviors possible. [...] So if you want your own New Year's resolution to become a viable goal, you need to surround yourself with resolution achievers.
Labels: Management, Reflection