Thursday, August 28, 2008


God loves each of us, as if there were only one of us.

- St. Augustine, as seen on my friend Darrell Harris' Facebook.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008




Monday, August 25, 2008

It's all about me - the un-worship song

It’s All About Me
The Bob Webber Narcissistic Un-Worship Song (by Rob Still; 2:04)

Verse 1:
It’s all about me
its not about you
I sing of me, myself and I
the world revolves around me too
it's plain to see
it's all about me, me, me

Verse 2:
It’s all about me
I know you feel it too
I only think about myself
Cause I know that you are too
I sure we can agree
it's all about me, me, me

I have my own Trinity
I, myself and me
I am my own deity

Alternative Bridge:
I am a tri-unity
Navel gazing on me
I am my own community

Copyright 2005 by Rob Still Music

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先不理誰是Louis Yuen。拋開偏見,仔細聽聽這首幾乎20年前的舊歌唱得如何:

in your eyes - louis yuen


到底這是Louis Yuen是誰?他後來紅了嗎?紅了。不過不是因為唱歌,而是因為飾演舅父波。

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Saturday, August 23, 2008


(click picture to enlarge)




Thursday, August 21, 2008

謝安琪 – Binary








Wednesday, August 20, 2008



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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Who are you?

I was walking in a shopping mall the other day and coming my way was a girl with a very-low-cut outfit. The following sentence just lighted up in my mind:
If you do not want to be perceived as just a pair of breast, do not present them as the most prominent feature of your being.

How sad is our Pastor.









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Saturday, August 16, 2008

blind spot

People worry about kids playing with guns and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands — literally thousands — of songs about broken hearts and rejection and pain and misery and loss.

-Nick Hornby / High Fidelity

原文出自Thirst by 阿中


Thursday, August 14, 2008





原文出自畢基Xanga | 黃讚雄

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張敬軒 – Urban Emotions

其實我不太明白一張唱片的名字是怎樣來的。不過對於Urban Emotions這個名字,我是有過期待的。

上一次有歌者用城市觀念做賣點而成功的,當然是接近20年前林憶蓮的City Rhythm,而且不是一集,是一連三隻大碟,還有當中的多隻remix和singles。林憶蓮由City Rhythm開始,奠定了都市女性的角色:入時,獨立自主,走自己的路,有性格,有事業,有成就,不受男人支配,卻又勇於投入感情,敢愛敢恨,永不言悔。在90年代,林憶蓮為一代轉型中的女性定位,自此成為新一代都市女性代言人。









第一張,是關淑怡今年4月演唱會的海報;第二張,是關淑怡的舊公司最近推出的「關淑怡演唱會」加精選CD封面。但第二張的這個「演唱會」,雖然design抄到足,卻不是今年4月的演唱會,而是1995年(13年前!)的《難得有一個關淑怡演唱會》!用1997年的照片,Photoshop成為似足新演唱會的poster,個名改到差不多(由"unexpected"變成"unlimited"),等人以為是新演唱會的現場CD... 這才是真的「造假」罷!

多謝Chi在網誌come back to love的揭發。

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008



京奧開幕禮視頻效果工作小組成員高曉龍解釋,這是考慮到轉播公司拍攝用飛機受當天的空中管制及拍攝時間和角度等問題,故導演組最終決定用3D影像代替。[...] 北京奧組委人員辯解說,總不能讓直升機追著29個腳印飛,讓駕駛員冒生命危險;而且重要的是,腳印煙花真的有發放,並無欺騙電視觀眾。






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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a few confessions of a pastor

I’m sorry that I expect people to think the same way I do and agree with everything I say.

I’m sorry that I want everybody to be the kind of people I like and would enjoy hanging out with.

I’m sorry that I desire others to keep the same principles that I do.

I’m sorry that I want everyone to like what I like and hate what I hate.

I’m sorry that I think I am wiser than your people.

I’m sorry that I assume I’m really serving you while others are really not.

I’m sorry that I see your people as a resource to serve me rather than seeing myself as a resource to serve them.

I’m sorry that I use the scriptures as a way to get what I want rather than what you are passionate about.

I’m sorry that I talk about your people like they’re trash.

I’m sorry that, because of my own ugliness, I’m blind to the beauty you see in others.

I’m sorry that my love is wrapped in a multitude of conditions.


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Monday, August 11, 2008


個案一:新衫夠著兩個月 卡數過百萬


個案二:戰利品要租倉放 卡數13.5萬


個案三:萬元收入買跑車 欠債逾20萬


個案四:月入6000 花11萬買相機





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Sunday, August 10, 2008

704 reading digest 9

Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us the gifts of faith, hope and charity; and, that we may obtain what you promise, make us love what you command; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever

-the Leonine sacramentary

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Saturday, August 09, 2008

704 reading digest 8

In [thanksgiving], the past is renewed, the present is transformed, and the future is made already present. Thanksgiving is the generation of hope by the recollection of past mercies.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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左手邊那個,無錯!是我Alan Yu!電視台啲化妝技術係咪好出神入化呢!

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點解全世界都咁高舉人權,甚至用「神聖不可侵犯」來形容亦不為過。 講人權既同時,我地又有無意識到東西方文明之中原來尚有其他可以用來安身立命甚至領導國家既價值觀呢?人權講緊每個人既利益為大前題,但係睇無線都聽過一句說話:犧牲小我完成大我。講緊既係捨己去成就一個更大既目標。難道咁又唔得咩?有無聽過君君臣臣父父子子? 假如人人都安份守己,緊守自己既崗位,互補不足,難道咁又唔好咩?點解一定要講人權?!點解一句「言論自由」你就可以任意踐踏別人既信念?民主?!就係因為民主所以啲政客只著眼於選票。人權&自由無錯係一套可行既價值觀,但係我唔認為佢係唯一既出路囉。





圖片來自National Geographics。

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Friday, August 08, 2008

704 reading digest 7

Prayer... is more than a private transaction between the individual and God. Prayer is the work of the Holy Spirit, who joins with our spirit to give voice to the inarticulate groanings of the whole creation, binding us to the suffering and the needy, impelling us to service, pointing us beyond the present pain toward the fulfillment of the hope that has been planted in us. Those who pray have their vision expanded beyond themselves, beyond their own concerns and welfare, toward an ever-larger view of the church and the world, embracing others who pray on earth and in heaven, the needs and concerns of all the world, and the promised future of God.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

704 reading digest 6

In the Eucharist, past, present, and future are transcended, and while still in this world we stand already in the kingdom of God. We are in possession of what we wait for. The church is the community that keeps and is formed by the celebration of the Lord's Supper on the Lord's Day.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

704 reading digest 5

The church exists to worship God. That basic fact needs to be asserted clearly and unambiguously again and again, for it is not at all obvious to many members of the church who assert that the church exists to evangelize the world ("the church is mission") or to serve people's needs (the clergy are thought of as members of the "helping profession.") The church, in its grandest view of itself and its most basic view of its purpose, exists to give God what is due, to acknowledge God as God. The one who is the creator and preserver of the whole universe is, as the Te Deum sings, "worthy of all worship." The purpose of the church is to focus and render that worship.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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"the 'Alan-Yu-is-so-busy' myth" follow-up

Edmund asks,
I think it would be beneficial to many of us by sharing, for example, your daily routine so that we can learn from your excellent time-managing skill.

Is it really that amazing??

well, I think the secret is:
1. the good habit of scheduling;
2. spend time thinking before you actually start working on something;
3. build spaces into your schedule, don't be too ambitious.

I work from Tuesday to Saturday. Usually, Wednesday is the staff meeting and prayer meeting day, and I do not schedule any work for Wednesdays. And usually I don't schedule anything for Saturday either, that's for catching up and for the misc. work. And I expect a lot of interruptions on Saturday too as students are dropping by our office frequently on Saturday.

So, I have Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for serious work. Usually, I handle only one big project per day, and I schedule the prep work for big projects on these days. But to do this well requires a very accurate estimation of how much time do I need to spend on preparing a project (About 1 working day for writting out a sermon - not including thinking about it and bible study; about 2 days for writing a liturgy; about 1 day for typesetting a Jubilization program book... etc.). And this takes experience. I can say I'm pretty good at this, if I'm better than others. And I try to stay on the generous side when scheduling - this makes me less stressful.

And in order to finish on-time, I need to mentally prepare myself. I'll start thinking about upcoming projects a few days/weeks in advance while I'm showering/watching tv. Ideas will brew. So by the time I sit down to work on a project I already have a lot of things laid out in my mind. This makes me efficient. I would have wasted a lot of time if I didn't think enough before I sit down.

Oh, another tips on finishing on-time: quit being the perfectionist. Do your best with your limited resources (including time), and move on. Don't spend forever hoping to build a perfect project and ended up with nothing finished. For every extra minute you spend on a project to make it perfect, you're sacrificing the resource for another project. I'd rather have 3 B projects than 1 A+ and 2 failing projects.

And in the case for this "16-event" line-up, below is my GoogleCal for August. The orange boxes are my to-do project for each day. It is really not bad.

Sunday is church day. Sometimes I need to preach in the morning, and sometimes I need to attend meetings and rehearsals in the afternoon, but most of the time it will be family day. (Sometimes I also take Saturday off for family day if I have too much overtime.) And once every 3 weeks I host PP959 and will be at the radio station from 10pm-midnight.

Monday is mostly my personal day. I do banking, shopping, housework etc. Or just laying on my bed watching TV if I'm too stressful. Or I'll use it to catch up on my readings and assignments. And Monday night is for my church fellowship group.

On Friday night or Saturday night I run programs for various churches most of the time. And on an average I'll have different kinds of meeting on weekday nights about once every week.

As for my daily schedule, usually I go to the office at 10am (ok, I admit, I'm late most of the time...), and I work on the trivial tasks first. After lunch is the serious working hours, until 6pm. Most of the time I can get off work on time, and have dinner at home at 6:30pm. After dinner is family time, until the kids go to bed at 9. Then I start doing some trivial work again for maybe another hour (usually online research), then it's time for blogging, e-mailing, reading other's blogs, watching YouTube, playing Sudoku online, Facebooking, reading... until around 2am... This is my wind down time, which is very important. I cannot do the other serious stuff as efficiently without this down time. Believe me. See also this post for my daily time-saving tips.

And I listen to stuff while I sleep. Sometimes it's music, sometimes podcast or online radio, sometimes lectures or sermons (man, they make me fall asleep really quickly...). I believe things get inside my brain even when I've fallen asleep...

So, I'm really not that busy. I admit that I'm a fast worker, but I think it just takes some good habit building to improve your efficiency. Everyone can do this. Hope these tips help.

The original post: "the 'Alan-Yu-is-so-busy' myth"

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

704 reading digest 4

The Christian church understands itself to be the continuation of Israel, a people called to be separate from those around them. God's people form a community with a different story, vision, and way of life, an outpost of the new creation in the midst of the old... If that is in fact so, then the church ought not expect growth and popularity. Indeed, the church ought to be suspicious of what is popular and attractive... The church's contrary message upsets the way of the world and counters its natural course. But because it is not what is expected, the gospel has the potential of answering the deepest human need.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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Monday, August 04, 2008

704 reading digest 3

Worship is also the summit of faith... The staircase that descends to us from God's dwelling place also ascends from this world to the One who comes down to us through the gate of heaven and who leads us back through it to our true and abiding home. Worshio, therefore, is divine service in a double sense. It is God's service of us, and it is our service of God in response to the divine initiative... It begins with God's service to us and it continues with our response.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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Sunday, August 03, 2008

704 reading digest 2

The liturgy of the church provides a framework within which the deepest mysteries of Christianity await discovery.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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Saturday, August 02, 2008

704 reading digest 1

By worshiping God, the church expects no reward, no special blessings or graces, no benefits. The church worships God simply because the church cannot do otherwise.

-Philip H. Pfatteicher, Liturgical Spirituality

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使者《Dare to Voice》Survey 2008


年齡 13 至 27 的你,
請填寫【使者 Dare to Voice Survey】

請在 August 31st 前填寫。
(包括Christians and non-Christians),



Friday, August 01, 2008

the "Alan-Yu-is-so-busy" myth

I wrote on my Facebook status that:
Alan is planning 14 events at the same time... well, actually 15... no, 16.

Some of you are curious what events I'm planning. Here it is:
  • 5 sermons for a camp at Calgary over the Labour Day long weekend
  • The regular meeting for the Jubilant next sunday
  • complete liturgies and sermons for 3 healing services in September (this is part of my school work)
  • I.D.Zone seminar on sex next week
  • I.D.Zone seminar on financial management later in August
  • liturgies for a section of the program for AFC's Annual Dinner in September
  • a seminar on biblical manhood for a church next weekend
  • a seminar on biblical marriage for a church the week after next
  • staff training session during AFC Staff Retreat in September
  • Liturgies for Jubilization in October

I have not counted singspiration leading this week at church, writing articles for Gen Next (2 down, 2 left), leading small group at church, the discussion session with CCF leaders every other week, and hosting PP959. And on top of that I have just finished a book report for school today (due today!), and I need 5 reflections for next week's deadline, and a box of books to read for my research paper. Oh, and of course I have not included the events in Sept and Oct that I haven't started to think about.

I didn't expect that this will "wow" so many people. For one thing, this is normal workload for me, and I'm not particularly busy. I guess most people will have 14 to 16 small/mid-size projects on hand at work and not be surprised; but what interest me is that, 16 "events" seems to be A LOT for many people.

Well, if I've a day-job and work on 16 church projects after work, I'll be crazy. But don't forget this is my job!

Again, the "Alan-Yu-is-so-busy" stereotype is a myth. At least, I am still keeping up with the latest 家好月圓 episode. So if you need to have a chat with me, catch me!

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  • 正如林一峰話齋,閱讀,也是一種 state of mind。
  • 所以不限文字,還有聲音影像一切雜崩能東西,都在涉獵反思消化乾坤大挪移之列。
  • 看重的只有一個字:Insight


I work at Westside Baptist Church. Of course, that doesn't mean they agree with everything I post or link here. Everything here is my personal opinion and is not read or approved in advance. Consider yourself warned.