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Think traffic jams are an unbeatable force?
Bill Beaty, an electrical engineer and “traffic physics” enthusiast, doesn’t think so.
After conducting his own experiments, Bill’s discovered a simple trick anyone can do to relieve two common types of traffic jams: the “merging-traffic jam” and the “traffic wave”.
The strategy is to simply maintain a large space in front of you instead of instinctively speeding up to close any gaps. It’s counter-intuitive, but according to his own experiments, it works.
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Labels: Interesting
7 symptoms of a corroded life
- Word without Action
- Busyness without purpose
- Relationship without receivasity
- Calendar without Sabbath
- Pastor personality without self-examination
- Processing a natural gift without Spiritual power
- Enormous Theology without Spirituality
Labels: Reflection
為甚麼我們基督徒要堅持我們對一切信仰﹐神學﹐道德倫理的問題都已經figure out了肯定的答案﹖為甚麼我們不能容許人去問﹕“假若我們真的是錯了...”
為甚麼我們堅持要把自己放在神的位置﹕去judge, 去論斷: 誰對誰錯﹐誰上天堂誰下地獄﹐誰是在“我們的一邊”﹐ 跟誰要“劃清界線”﹖
Labels: Reflection
Earlier this week, the U.S. Mint announced plans to roll out new $1 coins, featuring each deceased president, at a rate of four per year. Mint officials hope this will a.) reacquaint Americans with some of our lesser-known presidents and b.) get people to use those doggone coins.
[...] According to U.S. Mint Director Edmund Moy, the U.S. vending machine industry stands to save $1 billion if consumers ditch their flimsy paper bills for $1 coins. The switch would eliminate maintenance on bill acceptance slots.
This was one of those moments that made me realize just how interconnected the business world is...
Labels: Reflection
My Power Book's power adaptor was dead last weekend right before I had to prepare the worship powerpoint. So I had to use a PC to do my power point, it was awful...
No good chinese font in the PC so I had to search for new chinese font for my wife's computer. After the installation, I found that the font did not support some chinese character + the old powerpoint wasnt that user friendly...an hourly job becomes 4 times longer...
So I went back to the apple retailer to exchange my adaptor today, I found that I forgot to enroll my Apple Care, and that's 5.45pm, 15min before the store closed. I throught I have to come back again the other day...and not able to work tonight...
thank God that my lovely wife reminded me that I could still call Apple to do my registration on Apple Care, since they closed at 9pm ET (it was also 15min until they close). I called their toll free number, after 2 levels of pressing numbers, an agent answered my call (no waiting music!!!). I told her I was in urgent so she finished the registration by only asking me 3 questions about my phone no., my PB serial no. and my Apple Care no., it was within 5min and DONE!! Then I tured to the technician and he told me the enrollment might take 5 days to update but after he checked it was updated in the system...within 5min he gave me a new PB adaptor...
An hourly job becomes 4 times shorter...
Labels: Reflection
信息衰竭乃謝幕的徵兆 [節錄]
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it's the season when i feel the loneliness and emptiness... am i gonna survive in this cold-blooded world... i so want to speak but who can i talk to... am i achieving anything or just myself enjoy doing it...
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Wal-Mart發言人Linda Blakley對《USA Today》記者表示:「說實話,我們從去年的風波中得到了教訓。我們不再害怕使用『聖誕快樂』,而且我們會更早一點使用,並更多使用。」
比較保守的組織對此反應非常激動,American Family Association 和Catholic League對所有以「假期快樂」代替「聖誕快樂」的零售商,包括Wal-Mart,採取聯合抵制行動,呼籲大衆不要購買他們的貨品。
Wal-Mart繼去年的事件之後,今年會大力宣傳「聖誕節」,下周開始會推出一個有關的電視廣告。另外,Wal-Mart旗下所有門店也會把其節日佈置部門的名稱由"The Holiday Shop"改成 "The Christmas Shop"。
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At Least He Was a Consistent Hypocrite
Chuck Salter
Before he was exposed as a hypocrite about homosexuality, Ted Haggard, who resigned last week as head of the National Association of Evangelicals amid a drug and sex scandal, was already a hypocrite about the environment. As we described last spring in a story called Moving Heaven and Earth, Rich Cizik, the NAE's longtime Washington lobbyist, had a conversion a couple of years ago on the issue of global warming. Unlike conservatives who don't buy the scientific evidence, he became convinced, and he believed that fighting climate change and protecting the impoverished populations who suffer the brunt of it should be central to the evangelical mission.
So Cizik helped form the Evangelical Climate Initiative and draft a call to action. In February, 86 evangelical leaders signed the statement, sending shock waves through a community regarded as a unified voting block. Haggard told Cizik he agreed with the ECI's position but he wouldn't sign. When more conservative evangelical leaders wrote a letter expressing concern over the NAE's (read: Cizik's) involvement, Haggard went along with the decision that prevented Cizik from signing his name as well.
That was Haggard's style: Instead of leading an organization that represents some 30 million evangelicals to embrace an effort that continues gaining momentum (as Bill Moyers' excellent special "Is God Green?" illustrated last month), Haggard followed the old guard, which included James Dobson of Focus on the Family. No doubt Haggard thought he was protecting himself by appeasing them. Now he's discovering the fragility of that alliance. On Monday, Dobson, who had been named part of the team counseling Haggard through his current crisis, announced that he wouldn't be participating after all. Dobson said he didn't have time.
Labels: Reflection
從 Ted Haggard 事件中得不少提醒。
看了 Ted Haggard 寫給他教會的道歉信 (可按這裡閱讀),心裡十分難過,憐憫這位主內弟兄。看了他的道歉信後,我選擇不以「偽君子」的角度去判決這位弟兄,我選擇相信他信裡面的內容,相信他是在沒有好好面對生命的黑暗的情況下繼續真心侍奉,多於選擇認為他是說一套做一套來全心欺騙他的會友。
其中有一處很提醒我,內裡談到他承認沒有持續處理生命的 一個黑暗角落,結果這黑暗越發越大,最終帶他做了背判信念的事情︰[…] I am a deceiver and a liar. There is a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I’ve been warring against it all of my adult life …[…] When I stopped communicating about my problems, the darkness increased and finally dominated me. As a result, I did things that were contrary to everything I believe …
再看一篇評論 Haggard 事件的文章,以「影子」來描述這份我們自己既討厭但又卻偏偏在我們裡面存在著的東西︰[…] the essential idea is what you repress and hate most, you are. And if you don’t “own” your shadow, and raise it into your conscious, waking life you’re going to get busted in one way or another!…
你在人家身上所討厭的,往往也在你身上能找得到 (你也是這種人)。如果你不把這個影子帶進你的意式裡處理,你生命將會破釘。
那個「what you repress and hate most, you are」的說法我很認同,套到 Haggard 身上,那就是說︰Haggard 一直很討厭同性戀行為。因此他平日在教導上很強調要反對同性婚姻。但偏偏這個他討厭的傾向就發生在他身上。
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Labels: On the light side
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Labels: Reflection
[...] if every one of 110 million America households bought just one [compact fluorescent] bulb, took it home, and screwed it in place of an ordinary 60-watt bulb, the energy saved would be enough to power a city of 1.5 million people. [...] In terms of oil not burned, or greenhouse gas not exhausted into the atmosphere, one bulb is equivalent to taking 1.3 million cars off the road.
Just one [bulb] per home. The typical U.S. house has between 50 to 100 "sockets" (astonish yourself: Go count the bulbs in your house). So what if we all bought and installed two [compact fluorescent] bulbs? Five? Fifteen?
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Labels: Learning, Reflection