It isn't enough to believe something is true; I must live out that truth. As a matter of fact, my actions are the best reflection of my true beliefs. My words alone will never be proof enough of my convictions. Only the canvas of my life paints the reality of what I hold to be true.
Labels: Reflection
Labels: Reflection
史匹堡還有話說。他自知這樣堅持去搭建大佈景是不合時宜的做法。但他強調,在荷里活電影工業裡,有一批非常專業、世界級的人員賴以為生。若果所有導演都拍<Sin City>,這批人便會失業,更可惜的是,他們過人的手藝便會失傳(例如如何「撞毁」一架客機,我說的)。
Labels: Reflection
Labels: Reflection
Labels: Interesting
We are pleased to announce that a new group (Youth Connections) has been formed to recruite young conservatives who are interested in politics and serving the community. Youth Connections aims at helping young Canadians to gain a better understanding of the current political situation in Canada and their responsibilities as Canadian citizens. The group also offers leadership training programs and provides hands-on opportunities for young people to become meaningfully involved in politics.
There will be an introductory orientation held on Mar 24 (Sat) at 2:30pm at Enoch Youth Centre (No. 6 and Cambie, Richmond).
For any questions please feel free to contact
Julia Ng 778-859-5957 (will be out of town until Mar 17) Alice YF Wong 778-889-9882
or email us at
Labels: Interesting, Reflection
主唱:黃耀明 - 達明一派
繁忙路上人面每張一一觀察過 似一樣
難忘舊貌常留在我心為曾深愛過 亦碎過心
斜陽漫漫行人逐晚風向四方散去 不再聚
回頭察覺你那列快車在旁邊遠去 沒去再追
來日也許重逢誰又會跟著誰可永遠 相聚
末了總要相分 末了總會相分
霓虹漸亮全沒理想趁這一剎那 且快活
浮華世界惶惶是我心從來不答應 誓約永守
Labels: Interesting, Reflection
How do you leverage the things you’ve done in the past for what you want to do in the future?
Drapkin, over his 30-plus-year career, has been a classical musician, programmer, program manager, academic, technology consultant, CEO and business strategist. You know the sort: A polymath that’s good at so many things.
More than that, though, Michael knows the secret to career change and self-reinvention. It’s that reinventing ourselves is not a fairy tale where the ugly duckling suddenly molts into a swan. We don’t shed our old selves as we change career paths. What we do is evolve.
Remember, you’re more than the sum of your parts. You’re an evolving person who in the act of change has an edge over the other guy who doesn’t have your background. As the adage goes, you’re not getting older, just better.
Labels: Reflection
Labels: Reflection
There are few challenges in ministry as difficult as being called upon to give painful and sad news. Such is our responsibility today as we inform you that the Rev’d Dr. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx has engaged in an inappropriate relationship with an adult female parishioner. As a result, the Rt. Rev. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Bishop in the [denomination], has changed Xxx’s clerical status within the [denomination] to “inactive,” revoked his license to function as a priest, and removed him as senior pastor of [name of local church]. Bishop Xxxxxxx, acting in his position as our spiritual authority, has followed [denomination] policy for such pastoral situations, and the vestry of [name of local church] fully supports his decisions. We believe these actions are consistent with a Scriptural and pastoral model for faithful, responsible ministry and accountability within the church.
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Labels: Interesting, Learning
People become who they might be when they let go of who they are.
I’m creating a whole new program based on that statement. We might complain that our bosses, family, friends etc. put up roadblocks to our success --- whoever and whatever we can find to blame for our setbacks --- but the bottom line is we hold ourselves back more than all the other people, circumstances and strokes of fate put together. If you get over yourself, then you can let go over who you are at least enough to open your mind to possibility. Everyone in this world knows something you don’t know about something. Until you let go and open your mind, you’ll never know what that something is. Look at what you’re missing out on!
Organizational leaders look for people who don’t hesitate to jump into the deep end of whatever they’re about to embark on. Innovation comes from people who not only think out of the box, but don’t acknowledge there is a box in the first place. Remove your own self-limitations and you’ll attract all kinds of amazing opportunities. That energy will attract others and the ripple effect will go well beyond anything you imagined.
Opportunities whisper, they don’t knock and if you don’t pay attention and are so hell-bent on being the person you’re expected to be or who you’ve boxed yourself into being, those opportunities will go poof into the night. The greatest discovery you will ever make is that you’re unique. By letting go of ‘who you are’, you’ll find out just what that means.
Ceiling? What ceiling?
Labels: Reflection
Labels: Discontent
People who need money request it, and other people bid for the privilege of lending it to them. Prosper makes sure everything is safe, fair and easy.
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Labels: Recommend
Labels: Interesting, Reflection
Labels: Interesting, On the light side, Reflection, Worship
1. The Scriptures Inspired;
2. One True God;
3. Deity of Christ;
4. Fall of Man;
5. Salvation of Man;
6. Ordinances of the Church (water baptism and communion);
7. Baptism in the Holy Spirit;
8. Evidence of Holy Spirit Baptism;
9. Sanctification;
10. The Church and Its Mission;
11. The Ministry;
12. Divine Healing;
13. Blessed Hope;
14. Millennial Reign of Christ;
15. Final Judgment;
16. New Heavens and New Earth.
Labels: Reflection, Worship
Labels: Reflection
Labels: Interesting, On the light side
第一型 -- 改革型
最難達到的美德:祥和 (Serenity)
最難克服的執念:怨恨 (Resentment)
1. 諒解他們對你的批評,因為通常他們出於好意。稱讚他們做事認真,可以的話主動分擔一下他們的工作。
2. 切忌隱瞞事實真相;做錯事要認真的道歉,並承擔責任。如果是初犯,而是被他們發現你的錯誤的話,他們通常都會原諒。如果錯誤是出自你的陋習或不專心,不認真的話,就麻煩得多了。
3. 第一型的人是特別重小節的。例如約會切忌遲到 (可以的話最好早到,因為他們也會)。他們也很重禮節,"唔該","多謝" 這些詞語絕不可少。
4. 儘量避免直接否定他們,可以反過來問些啟發他們思考的問題(如果.....又會怎樣?),營造一個第七型的環境,他們會開放很多。
第三型 -- 成就型
最難達到的美德:坦誠 (Honesty)
最難克服的執念:虛榮 (Vanity)
1. 讚揚並肯定他們的成就。
2. 給他們意見,但不要直接批評或替他們作主。
3. 切勿在他們面前炫耀你的功績,盡量讓他們發現你的優點。
4. 和他們商量時,要著重"行動"和"成果",其他的他們都不太有興趣。
5. 如果想和他們保持良好的關係,盡量避免直接跟他們競爭,可以的話選擇與他們合作。
Labels: Learning, Reflection
It is easier to serve or work for God without a vision and without a call, because then you are not bothered by what He requires.
Never consider whether or not you are of use— but always consider that "you are not your own" ( 1 Corinthians 6:19 ). You are His.
Labels: Reflection
Labels: On the light side
When we go to see a lecture, we generally go to see the speaker not to hear what they have to say. We know what they have to say. That's why we go see them.
How many speeches have you heard? How many of them can you remember?
In a song, we remember firstly the melody and then we learn the words.
In stead of giving people the benefit of your wit and wisdom (words), try painting them a picture. The more strikingly visual your presentation is, the more people will remember it.
And more importantly, they will remember you.
Labels: Recommend
Labels: Design, Reflection
At the entrance to a temple there was a beggar always asking for alms stretching one hand. One day he stretched both of his hands. A passerby asked him: all these days, you were stretching one hand, why are you stretching two hands today? To which the beggar replied: Prabhu, the business was so good that I opened a branch!
This guy was climbing a tree when suddenly he slipped, then grabbed at a branch and was hanging there. After an hour or so had passed he felt himself getting exhausted and looked up to the heavens and cried out: "God, help me, please, help me."
All of a sudden the clouds parted and a voice boomed out from on high. "Let Go!" said the voice.
The guy paused and looked up at heaven once more, then said: "Is there anyone else up there?"
Part 1: What did the Yogi say when he walked into the Zen Pizza Parlor? "Make me one with everything."
Part 2: When the Yogi got the pizza, he gave the proprietor a $20 bill. The proprietor pocketed the bill. The Yogi said "Don't I get change?" The proprietor said, "Change must come from within."
Labels: On the light side